Whilst determining the evening series race dates and start times, SWSA adheres to the following criteria, which are subject to periodic review by the cruiser sub-committee:
- Boats at the extreme ends of Southampton Water (e.g. Itchen River) need a minimum of 1 hour commuting time to get from their slipways, out in the dinghy to the yacht and thence by yacht to the race area;
- We always finish the race before sunset (sunset as-defined by the ABP tide tables);
- We never start earlier than 6pm on a week day (preferably later if tide and daylight permit);
- Preference is given to week days over weekends and to Wednesdays over other weekdays;
- We allow for a maximum race duration of 1.5 hours (as-per the sailing instructions);
- We never race on Thursdays as this would clash with the Warsash and RSYC evening series;
- We allow for a 10 race series with 5 discards;
- Where possible, we avoid races on consecutive days with SWSA passage events;
- For tidal moorings (e.g. Hythe, Southampton SC, Itchen river) we assume access from 3.5 hours after the preceding low water to 3.0 hours before the following low water.